Krystal Moore

Krystal Moore

Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: RGN, Registered Adult Nurse in 2004 at the University of Chester
Special interests: Diabetes, respiratory disease management

Krystal served in the Royal Air Force (Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service). She joined Paxton as a practice nurse in 2012, and now leads the nursing team.

Claughton Medical Centre
161 Park Road North
Claughton, Birkenhead
Wirral, CH41 0DD

Telephone: 0151 652 1688

Fender Way Medical Centre
Prenton, Wirral
Merseyside, CH43 9QS

Telephone: 0151 652 1688

Townfield Health Centre
Townfield Close
Birkenhead, Prenton
CH43 9JW

Telephone: 0151 652 1688