Dr Rachael Quinn

Dr Rachael Quinn

Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP
Special interests: Cardiology, Women’s Health, Education & Training, Prescribing.

Dr Quinn graduated from the University of Newcastle in 2011. She is the joint prescribing lead for the practice. In her spare time Dr Quinn enjoys reading and being active by walking, and by playing football and tennis.

Claughton Medical Centre
161 Park Road North
Claughton, Birkenhead
Wirral, CH41 0DD

Telephone: 0151 652 1688

Fender Way Medical Centre
Prenton, Wirral
Merseyside, CH43 9QS

Telephone: 0151 652 1688

Townfield Health Centre
Townfield Close
Birkenhead, Prenton
CH43 9JW

Telephone: 0151 652 1688